Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Moonbat Barks

From our friends at Stop The ACLU:

Turning her attention from Iraq to Iran, anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan insists the U.S. has no justification for any kind of military response to the emerging nuclear threat from Iran, which today declared it successfully has enriched uranium.

Writing in the left-wing Buzzflash.com, Sheehan said that after a war in Iraq, President Bush, the "swaggering imbecile of a 'leaker in chief' has the nerve to be trying to sell all of us on a new war in Iran."

"Do the warped neocons with their puppet president think that we are all stupid? Fool us once, shame on us, fool us, — well, we just can't be fooled again," she writes.

Iran announced today it has enriched uranium for the first time, a major development in its plan to develop nuclear fuel. A story in the New Yorker by journalist Seymour Hersh, quoting anonymous sources, indicated the White House is preparing contingency plans that include the possibility of using nuclear bunker-buster bombs to take out Iranian underground facilities.
Sheehan said the U.S. possession of nuclear weapons is "crazy, but talking about deploying them is sheer insanity."

She fears this could lead to a world war.

"With all of the 'Left Behind' religious fanatics praying for Armageddon, this thought is made even scarier by the fake believers in the White House who are exploiting the neo-Christian idea that Jesus was a war monger and anything our great leader does is okay, because he is a Christian man!" she declares.

The U.S. also "must not even, for one moment, contemplate a conventional invasion in Iran either," she said. "No matter how George Bush lies about how rosy things are in Iraq, they aren't, and Iraq is proof that war of any kind is a horribly tragic way to solve problems."
She said the U.S. "must elect leaders that will get at the root causes of terrorism and not pretend that every terrorist can ever be killed to satisfy some kind of primeval bloodlust that flows through the war machine's veins."

"When our leaders go terrorist hunting," she said, "they kill innocent men, women and children and they, themselves, become the very thing that they are trying to teach us to loathe."
Heh, gotta love it, when a commie kisser thinks they know whats best for America. Will she ever go away, or has she become a staple spectacle and voice for the left? I hope she sticks around for a while because she is quite some ludicrous entertainment. The only thing that would be more entertaining would be
Chris Matthews running for Senate in PA.

She sounds exactly like the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat.