Most Mexicans come here with the idea that they will return to Mexico where their savings will go much further than they will here. However they seldom make good on that intention. The fact is that life in America is so much better than life in Mexico that few give it up.
I'm sure that you've seen the data on how many Mexicans would be allowed into the country if Mr. Bush gets the legislation that he wants. I ask you, can the America that we know and love survive if we have as many as 100 million Mexicans becoming citizens, especially when they have little or no desire to assimilate and become Americans culturally?
As much as I like and admire the President for the way he has led the nation through the war in Iraq and Afghanistan I cannot in good conscience let up on him. This issue is THE issue of the first half of the 21st century. The fact is that Osama bin Laden does not have, never had and never will have the power to fundamentally alter the character of this nation for the worse in the way that open borders can.
I am sorry that this problem is coming to a head in President Bush’s term in office. I wish that Ronald Reagan had not dropped the ball in his day. He had the popularity to have done something to end the problem and he failed. That is to be regretted, but there is absolutely no profit in crying over spilt milk. What we can do is learn from the past in order to avoid repeating mistakes.
The fact is that Reagan promised that after granting amnesty to the illegals of his day that the border would be closed to illegal crossing. That promise was never kept. There is no reason, absolutely none, to think that there will be any effort to keep the current promise that if we will just legalize the illegals and create a guest worker program that the border will be sealed.
I will leave off with a question. We are told that George W Bush grew up in a border area among Mexicans and has many Mexican friends and that his brother married a Mexican woman and for this reason he does not wish to insult or alienate those he cares for.
What does this say about Mr. Bush’s character? What if he had been born in Dearborn, Michigan and had grown up among Muslims and his brother had married a Muslim woman and converted to Islam (as Jeb converted to Catholicism for his Mexican wife)? Would the Taliban still be burying homosexuals alive in Afghanistan and Saddam’s sons still be raping 12 year old girls to death in Iraq because the President didn’t wish to alienate or insult people he cared for?
I cannot stress this enough. The immigration question is MORE IMPORTANT than the War on Terror. Terrorists do not have the power to alter the fundamental character of this nation the way that a great mass of unassimilated foreigners granted citizenship will. Osama bin Laden does not have the power to appoint persons like Ruth Bader Ginsberg to the Supreme Court but the politicians that enfranchised Mexicans will, without any doubt whatsoever, vote into office will.
Osama bin Laden does not have the power to revoke the Bush and Reagan tax cuts the way that the politicians elected by the new Democratic supermajority that massive Mexican immigration will create will.
Osama bin Laden does not have the power to impose New Jersey or New York City style gun control on the entire nation the way that a Democratic House, Senate and President can. And an Executive, Legislative and Judicial branch all under the control of the left wing of the Democrat Party is exactly what we will see not just for the next election cycle, but for the next century or longer if we add 20 plus million Democrat votes to the electorate.
The fight against mass Third World immigration is literally the fight for the survival of the American nation that was created in 1776. John Kerry says that if as many people who attend a college football game had voted differently in Ohio he would have been elected president. That is true. It is also true that if fewer people than that had voted differently in Florida in 2000 that Al Gore would have been elected.
We are already standing so close to the edge that we cannot afford to import more minority votes which will go in the main for Democrats. The immigration plan being pushed by the President and the Senate must be resisted by every legal method.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The fight of our lives
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:07 PM
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