In his WorldNetDaily column Pat Buchanan is raving about how evil Israel is for defending itself after Hezbollah initiated the latest round in the Arab's eternal war against Israel. Here is a link to it if you are inclined to read it for yourself.
All I have to say is this:
Hey Pat. We all know you hate Jews so why don't you relocate to Iran or Syria or Gaza where you can be among your ideological brethren? The Roman Catholic Church repented of its anti-Semitism some time back. Didn’t you get the memo?
Perhaps you’d like to go to Southern Lebanon and pick up an AK and grease some “filthy Kikes” for yourself? Maybe your good friends in Hezbollah would let you press the firing button on one of their long range missiles; you know the ones hitting residential areas in Haifa.
Pat, since you claim to be a Christian let me give it to you straight. Pat, you’re going to hell. You see you cannot get to heaven if you hate Jesus (since he’s the one who saves you from hell) and Jesus was (you might want to sit down for this) A JEW!
That’s right. Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, sent to the Jewish people in fulfillment of Jewish prophecies, to bring about the Jewish Millennial Kingdom. The Jews were allowed to reject Him temporarily in order that Gentiles (that’s people like us, non-Jews) might be allowed to participate in the salvation from sin which God had provided for the Jews.
So you see Pat, in order to get to heaven you must worship as God, a Jew (makes you sick to your stomach, doesn't it).
But look on the bright side. Where you are going there will be a lot of folks who hate Jews just as much as you do. Haman and the Pharaoh from Exodus will be there. Adolph Hitler and Reinhard Heidrich and Heidrich’s former deputy Adolph Eichmann will surely be there. That should tickle you since you’ve never met a Nazi war criminal you didn’t instinctively defend. Yasser Arafat will be there waiting for you. Just think of the stories he’ll be able to tell as you all sit around the campfire, well actually you’ll all be sitting IN the campfire, but what the heck.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Pat and the Jews
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:27 PM
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