Sorry about not blogging much today, again real life (highly overrated, if you ask me) has gotten in my way.
Now down to business. A reader responded to my last post about McCain with a long comment. Here is the meat:
Yeah McCain has poked his finger in our eyes but he's our guy, our firewall to keep these GD socialists out of power. He gets the GWOT, judges, tax rate cuts, earmarks, he's solid pro-life, he says he has heard us about illegal immigration and will secure the border, c'mon WTF?? I could understand your opposition to Rudy but this is ridiculous. Did you vote for Bob Dole? John McCain is more of a conservative than Dole.
Taking his points in order. McCain has done more than "poke his finger in our eye" he has declared war on the conservative movement. He is not a "firewall" against socialism. Every last thing about his record in office tells us that his natural inclinations lie to the left. When he had to get re-elected in red-state Arizona he pretended to be as conservative as he had to be. Since his last statewide campaign he has moved drastically to the left, he knew that win or lose in the presidential race he would never have to run for office in Arizona again. If you are someone who is comforted by his lifetime ACS rating of 83% then you need to get real. In the last couple of years his rating has been down there with left-wing "Republicans" like Arlen Specter and Chuck Hagel (the token Republican that B. Hussein Obama has promised will be in his cabinet).
John McCain is an enemy of the conservative movement and if he is elected president he will run the Republican party. He will use that position to purge every last trace of conservatism from the Republican party because he, in a very personal way, hates conservatives.
He is also an incredibly vain man who loves to bask in the adoration of the mainstream media and will do absolutely anything to gain their praise. If anyone believes that he will behave differently once he gains the White House I invite you to give me a solid reason.
John McCain does not "get" the "Global War on Terror" any more than George W Bush or any of the Democrats. The fact is we are not in a "war on terror". Terrorism is a method not a nation or ideology or organization. The fact is that we are in a civilizational war against Islam. The West, what used to be referred to as Christendom, is in a life or death struggle with that form of religion/society which is taught by the Koran. Every time Bush calls Islam a "religion of peace" he is telling the world that he doesn't understand the nature of the war. If anyone has any reason to believe that McCain understands that the death of Islam itself is the goal which we must pursue let me know because I haven't seen it.
BTY, Israel is a battlefield in the greater war which is every bit as important as Iraq. Any talk of a Palestinian state or any kind of "peace process" which does not begin with engaging the Palestinians in an all out war which crushes their very will to resist and has them crawling to Israel and begging not for a state but simply for the privilege of not being rendered extinct indicates a failure to understand the nature of the conflict.
Judges? He says that Alito is "too conservative". When there is a vacancy on the High Court you know that the MSM is going to go into overdrive with its efforts to convince him to behave in a "wise and statesman-like manner" which will mean letting Ted Kennedy have the final approval of anyone he appoints to the Court. Since we know that McCain lives for the praise of the MSM give me one good reason (and what he "says" isn't a good reason since he is a proven liar) why he will not comply with the media's demand and appoint another David Souter?
Tax cuts? He voted against the Bush tax cuts and went on all the Sunday shows explaining that they were "cutting taxes on the backs of the poor". Words mean nothing when they are contradicted by deeds. McCain's deeds show that he is against tax cuts.
Earmarks? Earmarks are a matter of legislative procedure. The president has no power to issue an executive order banning earmarks (separation of powers and all of that). If McCain really wanted to have the power to do something about earmarks he would do so as a Senator.
Pro-life? That's what he says but his only action (remember, action means everything - words mean nothing) on the issue was attempting to bar a pro-life group from protesting an abortion mill. But even if he is genuinely pro-life the only actual power a president has on the issue is the appointment of Supreme Court justices and we have already established that McCain will be letting the Washington Post and Chuck Schumer pick his Supreme Court nominees so what is the chance that a justice who will overturn Roe v. Wade will make it onto the court on McCain's watch? Somewhere between zero and none.
Illegal immigration? McCain wrote the amnesty bill! He has said that if it crossed his desk as president that he would sign it! What more do you need?!? Democrats will control congress after the next election. They want amnesty as much as ever. They will do everything in their power to send the president an amnesty bill. McCain has promised to sign it!
What he meant when he said that he "got the message" was that he doesn't believe that another amnesty bill can make it through congress. If one does he will sign it - he says so! If you are willing to believe him on other things why aren't you willing to believe him on this?
If you don't want amnesty the best shot we have of blocking it is to have a Democrat in the White House so that the Republicans in the Senate can unite behind blocking it.
Yes, I voted for Bob Dole and for George H.W. Bush and for George W Bush. The difference between them and McCain is that none of these men, while not conservative, was the sworn enemy of the conservative movement. None of them used or would have used the power they would hold as leader of the Republican party to purge it of its conservative element.
Understand this. John McCain is not just an "imperfect spokesman" for conservatism. He is not just a "flawed ally". He is a dyed-in-the-wool enemy of conservatives. He will do as much or more than B. Hussein Obama or Mrs. Bill Clinton to destroy conservatism only he will have more success because he is a Republican and will be in control of the Republican party.
This is not childish anger on my part because "my guy" lost. "My guy", the man whose views were closest to mine, was Tom Tancredo. I knew that Tancredo didn't have a chance so I didn't waste one nanosecond on him and instead backed Thompson who I thought had a chance. When Thompson fizzled out I transferred my efforts to Romney. When Romney dropped out I understood (because I am an adult and live in the real world) that conservatism had lost this round and began to work on damage control.
As things stand right now the most important goal we can work toward is the preservation of the conservative movement as a viable force in the Republican party. That means keeping John McCain out of the Oval Office at all costs - even if that means putting Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office. Because the United States of America is not so fragile that it cannot withstand one more Democrat president, but the Republican party is so fragile that is probably cannot withstand one more RINO president. At least not without a genuine conservative to restore the movement first.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Where we stand right now
Posted by
Lemuel Calhoon
10:03 AM
Labels: Campaign 2008, John McCain
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