Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Galactica Prediction

I'm going out on a limb here and make a prediction about what we will see in the season ending episode of Battlestar Galactica. We are told that there will be several shocking revelations in the final minutes of part II. I think I know what one of them will be.

Here it is.

Six will tell Baltar that he died on Caprica and that his memories were downloaded into a clone which was placed in the wreckage of his house. The scene will probably play out something like this.

Six: You're dead Gaius. You died in the attack on Caprica City. You were killed when your house collapsed on you. So was I as a matter of fact.

Baltar: Then what am I doing here? I don't feel dead.

Six: Remember when I told you that I put a chip in your brain while you were asleep?

Baltar: But there is no chip in my brain. I had an MRI. . .

Six: It was in your original body. It was constantly downloading your memories into the data bank of our resurrection machinery. When you died your memories were downloaded into a new body, along with my memories. That is how I'm in your head.

Baltar: (Becoming agitated) I don't believe you! I'm not dead! I remember waking up in the ruins of my house. I was injured!

Six: You had a small cut on your forehead. Do you remember seeing my body?

Baltar: Your body. . .

Six: Yes, my body. Do you remember seeing it? I died. That's how I got into your head, remember? Did you see my body when you awakened?

Baltar: No.

Six: That's because a team of Cylons took it away when they brought you there.

Balter (screaming) I'M NOT DEAD. . . I'M NOT DEAD!