Monday, April 10, 2006

24, 4/10/06

I’d like to post something witty about tonight’s episode of 24, but I really can’t. Within the context of the show it was a tightly written episode. Of course everyone knew that the bratty daughter would dial 911 and get herself and her mom killed.

I also suspected that the bank president was toast when he said that he was going to stick close to Jack Bauer. There are only two places in the universe more dangerous than anywhere near Jack Bauer. One is anywhere between Chuck Schumer and a TV camera and the other is between Ted Kennedy and a bottle of Scotch (or a cocktail waitress, so that makes three places).

Mary Todd Weasel is going to be really pissed when she finds out that Pres. Weasel is a traitor. After all she apologized and she is getting ready to put out for him. I still think that the way this ends is her snatching Red Foreman’s sidearm and blowing his head off.

Julie Myers turns out not to be such a bad egg after all, but Slick Greasy is going to have to die before all this plays out. With any luck Chloe will get out her assault rifle. . .

The Evil Vice President isn’t such a bad guy after all. I guess he is a Methodist rather than a Baptist. But I’ll bet he still is an NRA member.

Once S4GF clues in her dad everything will be alright. That guy’s sneer could strip the whitewash off a fencepost at 25 yards. President Weasel will dissolve under its power.
Now I’m going to bed. The twelve-year-old bourbon is kicking in and I’m sleepy.