Monday, April 10, 2006

The camera has arrived

As you can see from the post below my new digital camera arrived today. It is an Olympus FE-115 and so far I am extremely pleased. It is a tiny little thing; small enough to fit in a shirt pocket. I'll be putting up more pictures from now on. I hope to be able to go to the Biltmore House this Sunday afternoon.

Also, I apologize for not posting too much today. I had to start on the summer ritual of lawn mowing. That meant changing the blade on the mower and changing the oil and air filter. Which meant a trip to Lowes.

Then the camera came and had to be played with. Then I had to clean my Glock (guns are like women, in that they will take care of you if you take care of them).

Now I have to go. It is less than one half hour until tonight's episode of 24!