Thursday, April 13, 2006

Abu Ghraib, is this Moonbat porn?

From Stop The ACLU:

A civil liberties group on Tuesday demanded the release of more pictures of U.S. soldiers and detainees after the government acknowledged it had only one new Abu Ghraib prison picture because the rest were already public.

Hours after the acknowledgement by the Department of Defense, the American Civil Liberties Union said the government must now turn over 29 more photographs and two videotapes related to the treatment of detainees in U.S . custody.

ACLU lawyer Amrit Singh said the organization learned of the images, apparently not taken at Abu Ghraib, when the Army turned over documents late last year in response to an ACLU lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Manhattan.

"It became apparent to us there were no grounds for holding additional abuse pictures," she said, noting that the judge presiding over the case had issued a strongly worded opinion saying the public had a right to detainee abuse images.

What good this will do, or what the public will gain from seeing additional torture photos is not quite clear to me. Some are starting to think the left have some strange fetish for Abu Ghraib photos.

They're not going to stop till they get those pictures of Lindie England doing it doggy-style with her boyfriend in front of the prisoners.