Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Business and the Illegals

Businesses, at least some of them, want lax border control because they depend on cheap illegal labor to lower their costs. They reason that as long as a plentiful supply of illegal aliens is available they can not only hire the illegals, but their very presence will exert a downward pressure on the wages of those here legally.

Business owners and managers who think this way are part of the behind-the-scenes effort to manipulate congressional Republicans into scrapping the House immigration reform bill in favor of an amnesty plan dressed up as a “guest worker program”. They oppose any effort to make being in this country illegally a felony and they go positively ballistic at the suggestion that there should be tough penalties for knowingly hiring an illegal.

They had better rethink their position. Any legislation which granted legal status to those currently here illegally and made it easier for more foreign workers to enter legally would doubtless backfire on those who exploit the labor of illegals.

If you own a meat packing plant now and you are paying illegals $6.00 per hour rather than legal, unionized, workers $20.00 per hour what will happen to your bottom line when those newly legal workers get a union card to go along with their green card?

What will you do when the woman who scrubs your toilet for minimum wage, or less, because she is illegal and wants to stay under the government’s radar suddenly becomes legal and wants the same money that a White or Black maid would get?

Illegal alien labor is a bargain only because it is illegal. Take away that illegal status and all you have left is an illiterate worker who doesn’t know the language but who does know that he doesn’t have to work nearly as hard anymore because you can’t fire him now that he has the EEOC backing him up. If he has never heard of the EEOC believe me there will be no shortage of people waiting to tell him (in English or Spanish).

Let’s also pause to consider what your new, much larger, tax bill is going to do to your profits when the Democrat politicians that these 10+ million new minority voters will elect come to power. And make no mistake about it vote Democrat he will. There is simply no way that the Republican Party can match the benefits that the Democrats will be willing to shower upon the newly legal.

We should not pass the topic of what the new Democrat majority will do to American business without also considering the effect of the new Green Regime on your waste disposal and transportation costs.

If you want a good picture of what the new socialized business environment will look like just cast your gaze over the pond and observe the goings on in France.

Take my advice and think long and hard before you open Pandora’s Box.